ISCO 18 Conference Agenda
May 31 – June 4 2015
El Paso, Texas
ISCO 2015 CD Abstract Program Committee
Jorge Delgado USA
Caleb Tebbe USA
R. Scott Van Pelt, Chair USA
Claire Baffaut USA
Gretchen Sassenrath USA
Samir El-Swaify USA
Mark Nearing USA
Margaret Gitau USA
Members of the ISCO 2015 Scientific Steering Committee
Jorge Delgado, Chair USA
Andrew Sharpley USA
Veronica Acosta-Martinez USA
Gilbert Sigua USA
Birl Lowery USA
Jose Rubio Spain
Diane Stott USA
Kolawale Salako Nigeria
Li Rui P.R. China
Sharon Papiernik USA
Gretchen Sassenrath USA
Hu ChungSheng P.R. China
Wanhong Yang Canada
Meni Ben-Hur Israel
Peter Kleinman USA
Bobby Stewart USA
Moustafa Elrashidi USA
Machito Mihara Japan
Peter Strauss Austria
Richard Harper Australia
Ildefons Pla-Sentis Spain
M.S. Srinivasan New Zealand
Andreas Klik Austria
Linda Prokopy USA
Margaret Gitau USA
Adrian Chappell Australia
Samir El-Swaify USA
Mark Tomer USA
Claire Baffaut USA
Chris Gross USA
Rattan Lal USA
Gerard Govers Belgium
Julian Dumanski Canada
Surinder Singh Kukal India
Miodrag Zlatic Serbia
Valentin Golosov Russia
Gustavo Merten Brazil
Shabbir Shahid United Arab Emirates
Rachid Mrabet Morocco
Members of the ISCO 2015 Organizing Committee
R. Scott Van Pelt, Chair USA
Mark Nearing USA
Thomas Gill USA
Richard (Rip) Langford USA
Dennis Flanagan USA
Ted Zobeck USA
Louis Baumhardt USA
Junran Li USA
Sam Feagley USA
Jeffery Herrick USA
Jennifer Moore-Kucera USA
Clay Robinson USA
David Weindorf USA
Daniel Buschiazzo Argentina
Huang Ning P.R. China
Zheng Fenli P.R. China
Geert Sterk Netherlands
Veronica Acosta-Martinez USA
ISCO 18 Conference Agenda
El Paso, Texas
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm |
Social Mixer – Radisson Hotel Atrium |
Radisson Hotel Valencia Ballroom Salons A&B
8:00 am to 8:30 am |
Opening Ceremony to ISCO 18 Scott Van Pelt1 and Bill Hargrove2 1 USDA-ARS, TX 2 University of Texas at El Paso |
Plenary I Moderator: R. S. Van Pelt (USDA-ARS) |
8:30 am to 9:25 am |
Plenary I For much of the world: It is all about the water B. A. Stewart1 1 West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX |
9:25 am to 9:45 am |
Session I |
Conservation Agriculture Moderator: G. Sigua (USDA-ARS) |
9:50 am to 10:10 am |
L. Luna-Ramos1, M. Gispert2, M. C. Andrenelli3, N. Vignozzi3, S. Pellegrini3, A. Solé-Benet1 1 EEZA-CSIC, Almería, Spain 2 Escola Politècnica Superior, Universitat de Girona, Spain 3 ICRA, Firenze, Italy |
10:10 am to 10:30 am |
Addressing multiple, interactive land and soil degradation processes S. A. El-Swaify1 1 Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management University of Hawai`i at Manoa |
10:30 am to 10:50 am |
J. Gao1 1 Northwest A&F University; Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, China |
10:50 am to 11:00 am |
Session II |
Conservation Agriculture (cont.) Moderator: G. Sigua (USDA-ARS) |
11:00 am to 11:20 am |
M. Yamada1, G. Girmay2, K. Takenaka1, and T. Kobayshi1 1 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Rural Development Division 2 Mekelle University, Department of Land Resource Management and Environmental Protection |
11:20 am to 11:40 am |
A. Nurbekov1, A. Kassam2, A. Musaev3, D. Sydyk4, Z. Ziyadullaev5, D. Feindel 6, H. Muminjanov7, J. Turok1 1 International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) Central Asia and the Caucasus Regional Office, Uzbekistan 2 University of Reading, London, United Kingdom 3 Agrarian Scientific Centre, Azerbaijan 4 South-Western Research Institute of Livestock and Crop Production, Kazakhstan 5 Kashkadarya Research Institute of Breeding and Seed Production of Cereals, Uzbekistan 6 Crop Development Centre North, and Head, Pest Surveillance Branch at Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development 7 FAO/SEC, Turkey |
11:40 am to 12:00 pm |
V. Acosta-Martinez1, J. Cotton1, T. G. Gardner2, J. Moore-Kucera3, J. C. Zak3, and D. B. Wester4
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm |
Session III |
Impacts of soil erosion and conservation on soil health and organic carbon sequestration Moderator: V. Acosta-Martinez (USDA-ARS, TX) |
1:30 pm to 1:50 pm |
Rangeland soil health in the U.S. D. E. Stott1, B. Moebius-Clune2 1 USDA-NRCS Soil Health Division, IN 2 USDA-NRCS Soil Health Division, Washington, D.C |
1:50 pm to 2:10 pm |
F. Domingo1, E. P. Sánchez-Cañete2,3, P. Serrano-Ortiz2,3, O. Pérez-Priego6, A. López-Ballesteros1,2, C. Oyonarte4, M. J. Moro7, Y. Cantón4, L. Villagarcia 8, A. Solé-Benet1, and A. S. Kowalski2,5 1 Departamento de Desertificación y Geoecología, Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas (EEZA), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain 2 Instituto Interuniversitario del Sistema Tierra en Andalucía, Centro Andaluz de Medio Ambiente (IISTA-CEAMA), Spain 3 Departamento de Ecología, Universidad de Granada, Spain 4 Departamento de Agronomía, Universidad de Almería, Spain 5 Departamento de Física Aplicada, Universidad de Granada, Spain 6 Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Germany 7 Departamento de Ecología, Universidad de Alicante, Spain 8 Departamento de Sistemas Físicos, Químicos y Naturales, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain |
2:10 pm to 2:30 pm |
Biotechnical engineering with the use of propagated wetland mats in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA J. Etra1 1 Western Botanical Services Inc., Reno, NV |
2:30 pm to 2:50 pm |
A. Alomran1, A. Usman1,2, M. Al-Wabel1, A. al-Harbi3 1 Soil Sciences Department, College of Food & Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia 2 Department of Soils and Water, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University, Egypt 3 Plant Production Department, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia |
2:50 pm to 3:10 pm |
Biocrusts influence on C-assimilation and C-losses by respiration and erosion in drylands soils Y. Cantón1, S. Chamizo2, I. Miralles3, E. Rodríguez-Caballero4, R. Ortega5 , M. Ladrón6, R. Lázaro6 1 Agronomy Department. University of Almeria, Spain 2 Applied Physics Department. University of Granada, Spain 3 Earth and Life Institute, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium 4 Max-Plank-Institute for Chemistry., Germany 5 CAESG. University of Almeria, Spain 6 Experimental Station of Arid Zones (CSIC)., Spain |
3:10 pm to 3:30 pm |
Session IV |
Soil conservation for mitigation and adaptation to a changing climate: sustainable solutions Moderator: D. E. Stott ( USDA-NRCS Soil Health Division, IN ) |
3:30 pm to 3:50 pm |
G. Girmay1, M. Yamada2, S. Hirouchi2, K. Takenaka2, and T. Kobayshi2 1 Mekele University, Department of Land Resource Management and Environmental Protection 2 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Rural Development Division |
3:50 pm to 4:10 pm |
How soil erosion affects soil quality and corn yield in the Mollisol region of Northeast China F. Zheng1, X. Zhang1, W. Yang1 1 Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, China |
4:10 pm to 4:30 pm |
J. A. Delgado1 1 USDA-ARS, Soil Plant Nutrient Research Unit, CO |
4:30 pm to 4:50 pm |
G. Sterk1, J. Wickama2, R. Masselink3 1 Department of Physical Geography, Utrecht University, The Netherlands 2 Agricultural Research Institute-Mlingano, Tanzania 3 Soil Physics and Land Management Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands |
4:50 pm to 5:20 pm |
Panel discussion with keynote and members of ISCO board/committees
5:20 pm to 6:00 pm |
Beverages and Group I Posters
6:00 pm |
Radisson Hotel Valencia Ballroom Salons A&B
Plenary II Moderator: M. A. Nearing ( USDA-ARS, AZ) |
8:30 am to 9:25 am |
Plenary II Global implications of neglecting soil erosion dynamics for a changing world A. Chappell1 1 CSIRO Land & Water National Research Flagship, Australia |
9:25 am to 9:45 am |
Session V |
Basic soil erosion: processes, mechanisms, and modeling Moderator: C. Baffaut (USDA-ARS, MO) |
9:50 am to 10:10 am |
V. O. Polyakov1, M. A. Nearing1, J. J. Stone1, C. D. Holifield Collins1, and M. H. Nichols 1 1 Southwest Watershed Research Center, USDA-ARS, AZ |
10:10 am to 10:30 am |
Gully erosion processes in a small, ephemeral channel in a semiarid watershed M. Nichols1 and M. Nearing1 1 USDA-ARS |
10:30 am to 10:50 am |
Sensitivity analysis of soil erosion on catchment scale J. Schmidt1 and M. Schindewolf1 1 Technical University Freiberg |
10:50 am to 11:00 am |
Session VI |
Basic soil erosion: processes, mechanisms, and modeling (cont.) Moderator: R. Li ( Northwest A&F University, China ) |
11:00 am to 11:20 am |
Gully erosion assessment model with linear or areal development rate on the Loess Plateau Z. Li1, Y. Zhang1, Q. Zhu1, S. Yang1, H. Li1, H. Ma1 1 Key Laboratory of Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating, Ministry of Education, Beijing Forestry University, China |
11:20 am to 11:40 am |
A quantitative study of the hydraulic erosion rate in Peru M. A. Rosas1, R. R. Gutierrez2 1 Graduate Student, School of Civil Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru 2 Associate Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru |
11:40 am to 12:00 pm |
Y. Bamutaze1 and H. Opedes1 1 Department of Geography, Geo-Informatics and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University |
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm |
Session VII |
Basic soil erosion: processes, mechanisms, and modeling (cont.) Moderator: A. Chappell (CSIRO Land and Water Flagship, Australia ) |
1:30 pm to 1:50 pm |
The new 2015 Soil Erosion map of Europe P. Panagos1, P. Borrelli1, K. Meusburger2, J. Poesen3, C. Alewell2 , L. Montanarella 1 1 European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy 2 University of Basel, Environmental Geosciences, Switzerland 3 Division of Geography, KU Leuven, Belgium |
1:50 pm to 2:10 pm |
WEPP model implementation project with the USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service D. C. Flanagan[1], J. R. Frankenberger2, E. C. Theller3, N. L. Widman4, B. A. Engel5 [1]Research Agricultural Engineer, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, IN 2 Information Technology Specialist, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, IN 3 Student Programmer, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, IN 4 National Agronomist, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Washington, D.C. 5 Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering, Purdue University, IN |
2:10 pm to 2:30 pm |
C. Baffaut1, R. Chan2, A. Thompson2, E. J. Sadler1 1 USDA-ARS Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research Unit, MO 2 Bioengineering Department, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO |
2:30 pm to 2:50 pm |
Challenges in soil erosion research and prediction model development C. Huang1 and S. Nouwakpo2 1 USDA-ARS, IN 2 University of Nevada |
2:50 pm to 3:10 pm |
M. Karaoğlu1, U. Şimşek1, E. Erdel1, F. Tohumcu1 1 Igdir University, Agricultural Faculty, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Section, Iğdır-Türkiye |
3:10 pm to 3:30 pm |
Session VIII |
Soil degradation: salinization, sodification, and desertification Moderator: L. Baumhardt (USDA-ARS, TX) |
3:30 pm to 3:50 pm |
I. Pla-Sentís1 1 Universitat de Lleida, Spain |
3:50 pm to 4:10 pm |
G. Ganjegunte1 1 Texas A&M University |
4:10 pm to 4:30 pm |
Restoring hydrological function on landscapes through the removal of Western Juniper T. W. Esgate and E. Carey |
4:30 pm to 4:50 pm |
The multiple causes of the Dust Bowl T. E. Gill1 and J. A. Lee2 1 Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso 2 Department of Geosciences, Texas Tech University |
4:50 pm to 5:10 pm |
Flat residue rearrangement and loss by wind under a range of crop residue conditions J. Zhang1, L. E. Wagner2 and K. Talley3 1 State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, China 2 USDA-ARS Agricultural Systems Research Unit, CO 3 Former USDA-ARS Engineering and Wind Erosion Research Unit, KS |
5:10 pm to 5:30 pm |
Panel discussion with keynote and members of ISCO board/committees |
5:30 pm to 6:10 pm |
Beverages and Group II Posters |
6:10 pm |
7:30am for ALL DAY |
FIELD TRIP: Busses load in front of Radisson Hotel @ 7:30am |
Wyndham Hotel Audio-Visual Theater
Plenary III Moderator: J. A. Delgado ( USDA-ARS, CO) |
8:30 am to 9:25 am |
Plenary III The perspectives and adaptation to soil conservation with the stress of climate change in Asia R. Li1, Z. Li2 and F. Wang1 1 Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, China 2 College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University, China |
9:25 am to 9:45 am |
Session IX |
Soil conservation in non-agricultural settings: i.e. urban and forestry Moderator: S. A. El-Swaify (University of Hawai`i at Manoa ) |
9:50 am to 10:10 am |
I. F. Benavides1, C. Oyarzún1, and D. Vargas1 1 Laboratorio de Sedimentología e Hidrología – Universidad Austral de Chile |
10:10 am to 10:30 am |
F. Wang1, 2, X. Mu1, 2, G. Zhao1, 2, P. Gao1, 2 and R. Li1, 2 1 Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, China 2 Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources, China |
10:30 am to 10:50 am |
Watershed management & mismanagement: examples from India & Kenya W. Mahoney1 1 SOIL Fund Ambassador, International Erosion Control Association |
10:50 am to 11:00 am |
Session X |
Sustainable intensification of food production Moderator: G. F. Sassenrath ( Kansas State University) |
11:00 am to 11:20 am |
The effect of land use change on soil properties of high Andean ecosystems in southern Colombia F. Benavides 1, 2, M. E. Solarte 2, V. Pabón2, A. Ordoñez2, S. Rosero2, E. Beltrán2 1 Laboratorio de Hidrología y Sedimentología – Universidad Austral de Chile 2 Grupo de investigación en Biología de Páramos y Ecosistemas Andinos – Universidad de Nariño |
11:20 am to 11:40 am |
M. Nearing1 1 Scientist, USDA-ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center, AZ |
11:40 am to 12:00 pm |
Growing grain sorghum in clumps to improve microclimate and grain yield S. Thapa1, B. A. Stewart1, Q. Xue2, Y. Chen3, and P. Pokhrel1 1 West Texas A&M University 2 Texas AgriLife Research 3 China Agricultural University, China |
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm |
Session XI |
Basic soil erosion: processes, mechanisms, and modeling Moderator: H. Chi-Hua (USDA-ARS) |
1:30 pm to 1:50 pm |
M. D. Acosta1, T. E. Gill2, M. Baddock3, S. S. Solis1 1 Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez, Departamento de Ingenieria Civil y Ambiental 2 University of Texas at El Paso, Department of Geological Sciences 3 Loughborough University, Department of Geography |
1:50 pm to 2:10 pm |
Experimental investigation on turbulence burst over different roughness in the wind tunnel W. Sun1 and N. Huang1 1 Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China |
2:10 pm to 2:30 pm |
Soil erosion resisting efficiency of “Grain for Green” measures under extreme rainfall on the Loess Plateau, China J. Jiao1, 2, Z. Wang1, Y. Su2, Q. Wang2 1 Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources 2 Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A & F University, China |
2:30 pm to 2:50 pm |
Modeling within field variability in the Wind Erosion Prediction System F. Fox1 1 USDA-ARS |
2:50 pm to 3:10 pm |
M. Hernandez1 1 University of Arizona |
3:10 pm to 3:30 pm |
Session XII |
Basic soil erosion: processes, mechanisms, and modeling (cont.) Moderator: D. C. Flanagan (USDA-ARS, IN) |
3:30 pm to 3:50 pm |
Adoption of No-till in North Kazakhstan: constraints and perspectives K. Akshalov1 1 Barayev Kazakh Research Institute of Grain Farming |
3:50 pm to 4:10 pm |
Sediment yield estimation in a small watershed on the Northern Loess Plateau, China G. Zhao1,2,3, A. Klik3, X. Mu1,2, F. Wang1,2, P. Gao1,2, W. Sun1,2 1 Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, China 2 Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences & Ministry of Water Resources, China 3 Institute of Hydraulics and Rural Water Management, Department of Water Atmosphere & Environment, University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences, Austria |
4:10 pm to 4:30 pm |
Simulating rill erosion of unfrozen soil by meltwater flow Y. Y. Ban1, T. W. Lei1, 2, C. Chen1, Z. Q. Liu1 1 College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University 2 State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Science and Ministry of Water Resources, China |
4:30 pm to 4:50 pm |
E. Ventura Ramos1, C. A. G. Isaza1, and J. Baumann1 1 School of Engineering, University of Querétaro, Querétaro, MEX |
4:50 pm to 5:20 pm |
Panel discussion with keynote and members of ISCO board/committees |
5:20 pm to 5:30 pm |
Short Break |
5:30 pm to 6:00 pm |
Closing and announcement of host country for ISCO 19 |
6:00 pm |
Load busses to State Line BBQ |
Poster #1 |
P. Gao1,2, X. Mu1,2, F. Wang1,2, G. Zhao1,2, W. Sun1,2 1 Institute of Soil and Water Conservation of Northwest A&F University, China 2 Institute of Soil and Water Conservation of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources, China |
Poster #2 |
Interrill erosion and roughness parameters of vegetation in rangelands F. P. M. Silveira1, J. R. B. Cantalice1, V. P. Singh2, Y. J. A. B. Silva1, D. M. Cavalcante 1, C. Gomes1 1 Soil Conservation Engineering Laboratory, Agronomy Department, Rural Federal of Pernambuco University 2 Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department & Civil and Environmental Engineering Department |
Poster #3 |
A Modified RUSLE model to estimate the sediment yield in the Huangfuchuan Watershed T. Peng1, Z. Guangju2,3 1 College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University, China 2 Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, China 3 Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy and Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources, China |
Poster #4 |
Influence of slope gradient on the behavior of saltating sand particles in a wind tunnel W. Sun1, N. Huang2 1 Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China, Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University, China 2 Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China, Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University, China |
Poster #5 |
The Wind Erosion Prediction System for planning conservation systems J. Tatarko1, L. Wagner1, F. Fox1 1 USDA-ARS, Agricultural Systems Research Unit |
Poster #6 |
K. Zhan1, W. He1, N. Huang1 1 Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Western Disaster and Environment in China (Ministry of Education), Department of Mechanics, Lanzhou University |
Poster #7 |
P. Du1, D. Ning1, Z. Liu2 1 International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing, China 2 Department of Soil and Water Conservation, Ministry of Water Resources, China |
Poster #8 |
Soil and surface runoff losses in perennial coffee plantation in Southern Brazil G. H. Merten1, R. L. Rufino2, A. Mondardo3, A.G. Araújo2, G. M. C. Barbosa 2 1 IAPAR Consultant for Soil Erosion, Agricultural Research Institute of Paraná State (IAPAR), Brazil 2 Researchers, Agricultural Research Institute of Paraná State (IAPAR) 3 Independent Consultant for Agriculture Planning and Rural Development, Brazil |
Poster #9 |
A national wind erosion research network N.P. Webb1, J.E. Herrick1, C.H. Hugenholtz2, T.M. Zobeck3, G.S. Okin4 1 USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, Las Cruces, NM 2 Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary, Alberta 3 USDA-ARS Wind Erosion and Water Conservation Research 4 Department of Geography, University of California Los Angeles |
Poster #10 |
R. S. Van Pelt1, S. X. Hushmurodov2, R. L. Baumhardt1, A. Chappell3, M. A. Nearing1, and V. O. Polyakov1 1 USDA-ARS 2 Samarkand State University 3 CSIRO Land and Water Flagship |
Poster #11 |
Effects of vegetation patterns on soil and water losses from a purple soil in China L. Li1,2, J. G. Liu2 1 University of Arizona 2 Chang Jiang River Scientific Research Institution, China |
Poster #12 |
Natural wind erosion events sediment flux compared with field wind tunnel tests on the same field T. M. Zobeck1, R. S. Van Pelt2, J. Strack2, D. Holder1 1 USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Wind Erosion & Water Conservation Research Unit 2 USDA-ARS, Wind Erosion & Water Conservation Research Unit |
Poster #13 |
J. P. G. Minella1, R. Ramon1, T. Canale1, G. H. Merten1, A. Schlesner1, C. A. P. Barros1 1 Universidade Federal de Santa Maria |
Poster #14 |
The impact of land disturbance/restoration on runoff and sediment yield in semi-arid loess region Q. Zhu1, N. Ai1, T. Wei1, F. Qiang2, Y. Zhang1, H. Ma1, Y. Wang 1 [1] School of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University , China 2 School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, China |
Poster #15 |
A computational research on the optimal design for a living system with artificial facilities in desert areas H. Dun1, N. Huang1 1 Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China, Lanzhou University |
Poster #16 |
An experimental study of gully widening processes via cross-sectional gully analysis B. Li1,2, L. Huang1, Z. Li3, L. Feng1, P. Li3, J. Yao3, F. Liu 1 and J. Li1 1 Department of Information Engineering, Engineering University of CAPF, China 2 Process of Soil Erosion in the Loess Plateau and Control Laboratory of Ministry of Water Resources, China 3 College of Water Resources and Hydro-electric Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, China |
Poster #17 |
Biocrusts effects on water soil erosion in arid ecosystems: a matter of scale Y. Cantón1, E. Rodriguez-Caballero2, S. Chamizo3, F. Domingo4, A. Solé-Benet 4 1 Agronomy Department. University of Almeria 2 Max-Plank-Institute for Chemistry. Mainz, Germany 3 Applied Physics Department. University of Granada 4 Experimental Station of Arid Zones (CSIC), Almeria |
Poster #18 |
Soil microbial communities and porosity from restored soils with organic amendments and mulches L. Luna-Ramos1, N. Vignozzi2, R. Pastorelli2, A.Solé-Benet1 1 EEZA-CSIC, Almería, Spain 2 ABP-CRA, Firenze, Italy |
Poster #19 |
Soil health for long term productive capacity in southeast Kansas G. F. Sassenrath1, V. J. Alarcon2 1 Southeast Agricultural Research Center, Kansas State University 2 Civil Engineering School, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile |
Poster #20 |
J. Cotton1 and V. Acosta-Martinez1 1 USDA-ARS, Cropping Systems Research Laboratory |
Poster #21 |
J. R. Legorreta1, C. Loredo2, H. Mendez2, J. L. Lara2, S. Beltrán3 1 Graduate Student Master Degree 2 Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi-Mexico 3 Inagrotec, SC, México |
Poster #22 |
Precipitation transition probabilities as a function of area size represented Y. Zhao1 1 School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Arizona |
Conference Sponsors
• United States Department of Agriculture
• Soil and Water Conservation Society
• European Society for Soil Conservation
• World Association of Soil and Water Conservation
• International Union of Soil Sciences
• International Soil Tillage Research Organization
• International Society for Aeolian Research
• American Water Resources Association
• American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
• Union Geofisica Mexicana
• Red de Desastres Hidrometeorologicos y Climaticos