World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC)
International Soil Conservation Organization (ISCO)
Soil Conservation Society of India (SCSI)
Jointly Announce an International conference on

Managing Soil and Water Resources for Climate-Smart Agriculture Toward Global Food and Livelihood Security
At New Delhi, India, November 5th-9th, 2019

Hosted by SCSI (New Delhi)
In cooperation with
"Indian Society of Soil Survey of Land Use Planning" (ISSSLUP)
"Indian Society of Water Management" (ISWM)
"Indian Society of Agricultural Engineering" (ISAE)
"Indian Society of Soil Science" (ISSS)
Supported by
"Indian Council of Agricultural Research" (ICAR)
The World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC),International Soil Conservation Organization (ISCO), and Soil Conservation Society of India (SCSI)) will hold a joint international conference in 2019. This will be WASWAC’s 4th World Conference, ISCO’s 20th International congress, and SCSI 4th International Conference. SCSI will host the joint conference and other prominent international scientific and professional organizations have been invited to be co-sponsors.
Natural resources are critically important components of the earth’s life support system. SCSI has selected the Theme: "Managing Soil and Water Resources for Climate-Smart Agriculture Toward Global Food and Livelihood Security". This theme will build on ISCO’s and WASWAC’s earlier accomplishments which encompassed the necessity and contributions of soil and water conservation and land husbandry toward sustained economic, especially agricultural growth which is paramount for food security. The unabated degradation of global natural resources exacerbates the scarcity of productive soils and the increasing prevalence of droughts adds unprecedented pressures on water resources. With the topical theme of Managing Soil and Water Resources for Climate Smart Agriculture Toward Global Food and Livelihood Security; this International Conference will be organized from 5th-9th November, 2019 at New Delhi, India. The conference will focus on the protection and conservation of land and natural resources for sustainable use and development. The target groups include scientists, researchers and academicians with multidisciplinary expertise; outreach and extension professionals; engineers; land users including farmers; planners and policy makers; students, NGO’s; and other stakeholders who are active or interested in the states of art and science of natural resources management. We feel proud in inviting your active participation and valued deliberations to make this international conference a successful event.
Primary Conference Topics
- Advances in natural resources inventory for food, energy and livelihood security.
- Soil quality and challenges in resilient agriculture, afforestation, bio-diversity losses and forest management.
- Rainwater harvesting, efficient use of water, integrated watershed management and community participation.
- Biodiversity conservation, coastal ecosystem management, for sustaining soil health and productivity.
- Prospects for intensification of cropping systems, sustainable production systems, integrated farming systems
- Innovations in irrigation and drainage management
- Land management in mountainous areas, sloping lands, plateaus, plains, deserts, community grasslands, rangelands and alpine and sub-alpine pastures.
- Water and wind erosion and their effects on soil, soil carbon sequestration under different land uses and energy management.
- Soil salinization, acidification, contaminated soils, mined soils, wastelands and degraded land management.
- Remote sensing and GIS, Empirical approaches and modeling soil and water degradation processes, decision support system.
- Treatment and management of low quality residual waters, Environmental issues and protection strategies of water bodies,
- Socioeconomics of profitable farming for enhancing rural livelihoods,
- Research and Education in soil and water conservation issues for sustaining land and water productivity,
- Constraints, challenges and future strategies for implementing soil and water conservation practices
- Policy interventions, socio-economic constraints and challenges in global food security
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies, land use and land use planning for smart agriculture and rural livelihood
- Women empowerment, rehabilitation, environment protection, employment generation, energy utilization, soil solarization, hill cultivation, micro flora and fauna
Conference Updates
Detailed information and updates about the Conference will be available at the website of SCSI (, ISCO ( and WASWAC
Organizational Society Contacts
Chairman: Dr. Suraj Bhan, President, SCSI
Prof. Samir A. El Swaify (ISCO), USA
Prof. Li Rui (WASWAC), China
Dr. Miodrag Zlatic (WASWAC), Serbia
Convener: Dr. Sanjay Arora (India)