Dennis C. Flanagan, Ph.D.
Dennis C. Flanagan is a Research Agricultural Engineer and Lead
Research Scientist at the USDA-ARS National
Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, located on the campus of Purdue University in West Lafayette,
Indiana. He is also an adjunct Professor
of Agricultural and Biological
Engineering, at Purdue University.
Dennis received his B.S. degree from The Ohio
State University and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Purdue.
Current Work and News
- Dr. Flanagan is the Leader of
the Water Quality CRIS project at the NSERL, and the Leader of the Water Erosion
Prediction Project (WEPP). He has been involved in WEPP model
development efforts since 1987. From 1989-1995 he was Hillslope Model
Leader, which involved development, verification, and testing of the Water
Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) hillslope profile erosion model computer
code. He has also worked on development of WEPP interfaces (both ARS and NRCS [formerly SCS]), and creation of
several updated versions of WEPP. He was named WEPP Project Leader in
April 1999. Current work
involves experimental and modeling studies on soil erosion processes and
erodibility parameterization. He has also been heavily involved in
projects with the USDA-Forest Service (FS)
and USDA-Natural Resources
Conservation Service (NRCS) on development of web-based interfaces for
implementation and use of WEPP within those agencies.
- Dennis has conducted both
field and laboratory studies, and performed laboratory studies of rill
detachment and deposition as affected by inflow of sediment, flow depth,
and rainfall intensity interactions.
- Other work has examined the
effectiveness of soil amendments at protecting steep slopes during the
critical period of permanent vegetation experiment. Natural rainfall and simulated
rainfall field experiments have shown that use of Polyacrylamide (PAM)
with or without gypsum can significantly reduce runoff and soil loss, and
enhance grass establishment.
Here is a link to a
presentation on use of soil amendments to enhance infiltration and
reduce runoff and soil loss.
- He was the major organizer
and Chairman of the Soil Erosion for
the 21st Century Symposium, sponsored by ASABE and held January 3-5, 2001 in Honolulu,
Hawaii. Over 200 participants from 30 countries attended the meeting.
- Dennis Flanagan and Jane
Frankenberger nominated the USLE development
for an ASABE Historic
Landmark of Agricultural Engineering, which was dedicated at Purdue on
April 25, 2003. Here is the
link to the dedication
booklet (and the ABE
version in PDF format).
Here are some pictures
from the dedication ceremony.
- In August 2011, Dr. Flanagan
was named a Fellow
of ASABE, which is the highest honor that his professional society can
bestow, for his leadership in developing and implementing new erosion
prediction technology, and for his ASABE leadership in soil and water
conservation. ASABE represents over
9000 engineers and others in agricultural, food and biological systems in
over 100 countries.
- Dr. Flanagan was a major
organizer of the American Society of Agricultural & Biological
Engineers (ASABE) International Symposium
on Erosion and Landscape Evolution (ISELE), held September 18-21, 2011
in Anchorage, Alaska. Over 120 participants from 16 countries attended
this decadal conference. In addition to developing the meeting program and
technical sessions, Dr. Flanagan also was co-editor of the symposium
proceedings, chaired the publicity, finances, and website sub-committees,
and is the webmaster for the post-meeting website.
He is currently leading efforts by ASABE to organize their next erosion
symposium in Puerto Rico in 2022.
- The 10th
International Symposium on Agriculture and the Environment (AgroEnviron
2016) was held May 23-27, 2016 at Purdue University, and Dr. Flanagan
was the Chairman and main organizer of this meeting. The meeting abstracts
are available online through the Purdue e-Pubs site at There is also a printed Proceedings
book from the meeting available. This conference was held concurrently
with the 7th
International Symposium on Gully Erosion (ISGE).
- Dr.
Flanagan was the Chairman of the organizing committee for the ASABE 2023 Soil Erosion
Research under a Changing Climate international symposium, held
January 8-13, 2023 in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.
NSERL and Purdue Office:
Building SOIL, Room 106A
Phone: (765) 494-7748
Fax: (765) 494-5948
Emails: or
Dennis C. Flanagan
275 S. Russell Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2077