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ISCO-20 New Delhi, India. (Nov 5-9, 2019) Overview | Souvenir | Proceedings | Abstracts
ISCO-19 Lleida, Spain. (June 12-16, 2017) Announcement | Program | On-line proceedings
ISCO-18 El Paso, Texas. (May 31 - June 5, 2015) On-line proceedings | Special Journal Issue in Catena
ISCO-17 Medellin, Colombia. (July 8-12, 2013) Proceedings LIBRO XVII | Conclusions | Abstracts
ISCO-16 Chile. (November 8-12, 2010) On-line proceedings
ISCO-15 Budapest, Hungary. (May 18-23, 2008) On-line proceedings
ISCO-14 Marrakech, Morocco (May 14-19, 2006) On-line proceedings | Program | Sessions | Organizing Committee | Sponsors | Opening Remarks | Report and Conclusions
ISCO-13 Brisbane, Australia. (July 4-8, 2004) On-line proceedings
ISCO-12. Beijing, China (May 26-31, 2002) On-line proceedings
ISCO-11. Buenos Aires, Argentina (Oct. 22-27, 2000) On-line proceedings
ISCO-10. West Lafayette, IN, USA (May 23-28, 1999) On-line proceedings | Action Agenda: Recommendations from structured discussions held at ISCO 10
ISCO-9. Bonn, Germany (August 26-30, 1996) Conclusions & Recommendations from ISCO 9
(published 1998) 'Towards Sustainable Land Use: Further Cooperating between People and Institutions' Advances in Geoecology 31. (Eds. H.-P. Blume, H. Eger, E. Fleischhauer, A. Hebel, C. Reij, K.G. Steiner) 2 vols. 1560pp. Catena Verlag. Reiskirchen, Germany.ISBN 3-923381-42-5.
ISCO-8. New Delhi (December 4-8, 1994)
(published 1998) 'Soil and Water Conservation - Challenges and Opportunities'. (Eds. L.S.Bhushan, I.P.Abrol, M.S.Rama Mohan Rao). 2 vols. 1700pp. Dehra Dun (India): Indian Assoc. of Soil & Water Conservation. ISBN (for 2 volume set) 81 204 1082 x.
ISCO-7. Sydney, Australia (September 27-30, 1992)
(published 1992) 'People Protecting their Land.' (eds. P.G.Haskins and B.M.Murphy). 2 vols. Sydney (Aus.):ISCO and NSW Dept of Conservation and Land Management. 832pp. ISBN (2 vols.) 0 7305 9977 9.
ISCO-6: Ethiopia and Kenya (November 6-18, 1989)
(published 1992) 'Erosion, Conservation and Small-Scale Farming' and 'Soil Conservation for Survival'. (eds. H.Hurni and K Tato). 582 and 420pp. Bern(Switz.): Geographica Bernensia + ISCO + WASWC. ISBN 3 906290 70 0 and 0 935734 27 9.
ISCO-5. Bangkok,Thailand (January 18-29, 1988)
'Land Conservation for Future Generations'. 2 vols. 1312 pp. (Ed. S. Rimwanich). Bangkok: Dept. of Land Devt., Min. of Ag. & Coops. ISBN ?
ISCO-4 Maracay, Venezuela (November 3-9, 1985)
(published 1987) 'Soil Conservation and Productivity'. (Ed: Pla Sentis I.) 2 vols, 1215pp. Maracay(Venez.): Universidad Central + Soc. Venezolana de la Ciencia del Suelo. ISBN 980 265 924 X
ISCO-3, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (Malama Aina, first to be coined as an ISCO Conference) (January 16-22, 1983)
(published 1985) 'Soil Erosion and Conservation'. (Eds: El-Swaify S.A., Moldenhauer W.C., Lo A.). 793pp. Ankeny(USA): Soil& Water Cons. Soc. ISBN 0 935734 11 2.
Pre-ISCO-2 Silsoe, UK (July 21-25, 1980)
(published 1981) 'Soil Conservation: Problems and Prospects'. (Ed: R.P.C Morgan). 575pp. Chichester(UK): Wiley. ISBN 0 471 27882 3.
Pre-ISCO-1: Ghent, Belgium (February 27 to March 3, 1978)
(published 1980) 'Assessment of Erosion' (EdsH. De Boodt and D. Gabriels), John Wiley and Sons, Chichester (UK). ISBN 0 471 27899 8.