International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution

ASABE Specialty Conference

Anchorage Hilton Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska

September 18–21, 2011




Sunday, September 18, 2011


4:00–7:00 p.m.               Symposium Registration – 2nd Floor


6:00–9:00 p.m.               Welcome Reception, Icebreaker – Alaska Ballroom – 2nd Floor


                        Photos from Reception/Icebreaker:

                        Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4, Pic 5, Pic 6, Pic 7, Pic 8, Pic 9, Pic 10, Pic 11, Pic 12

                        Photos from Native Dance Performance: 

                        Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4, Pic 5, Pic 6, Pic 7, Pic 8, Pic 9, Pic 10, Pic 11, Pic 12, Pic 13, Pic 14

                        Photos from Drum Circle: 

                        Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4, Pic 5, Pic 6, Pic 7




Monday, September 19, 2011


7:00–8:30 a.m.               Symposium Registration – 2nd Floor


8:30–9:15 a.m.              Plenary session – Keynote speaker – Dr. Grant McTainsh               Griffith University

                                    “Wind Erosion, Dust and Their Environmental                                  Nathan, QLD, Australia

                                    Impacts: An Australian Perspective”- Aspen/Spruce (1st Floor)

9:15–9:45 a.m.              Coffee Break – Alaska Ballroom – 2nd Floor


9:45–12:00 noon         Concurrent Oral Sessions (1 and 2) and Poster Session I


Oral Session 1 – Water Erosion Process Research – I - Aspen

(Moderator: Norm Widman)

9:45–10:00      11050  Gully evolution in agricultural fields                  Robert Wells               USDA-ARS NSL

                                    using ground-based LiDAR                                                                 Oxford, MS, USA

                                    (H.G. Momm, R.R. Wells,

                                    R.L. Bingner, S.M. Dabney)

10:00–10:15    11002  Erosion processes and prediction                     William Elliot               USDA Forest Service, RMRS

                                    in NW U.S. forests (W.J. Elliot,                                                           Moscow, ID, USA

                                    P.R. Robichaud, R.B. Foltz)

10:15–10:30    11003  Channel erosion and floodplain                         Bruce Wilson             Univ. of Minnesota

                                    deposition processes in the                                                                  St. Paul, MN, USA

                                    Minnesota River Basin, USA (C.F. Lenhart,

                                    J.S. Ulrich, J.L. Nieber, B.N. Wilson)

10:30–10:45    11004  Groundwater seepage mechanisms                  Taber Midgley             Oklahoma State University

                                    of streambank erosion and failure                                                       Stillwater, OK, USA

                                    (G.A. Fox, G.V. Wilson, T. Midgley,

                                    A. Almadhhachi, R. Carson)

10:45–11:00    11005  Quantifying intrinsic and extrinsic                      Kossi Nouwakpo        Purdue University

                                    factors affecting soil erodibility                                                           West Lafayette, IN, USA

                                    (S.K. Nouwakpo, C. Huang)

11:00–11:15    11006  Erosion as affected by soil inherent                   Kossi Nouwakpo         Purdue University

                                    properties and extrinsic conditions                                                      West Lafayette, IN, USA

                                    (A.I. Mamedov, G.J. Levy, C. Huang)                                                 

11:15–11:30    11007  Modified slake durability test                            Jeffrey Keaton           MACTEC Inc.

                                    applicability for soil                                                                             Los Angeles, CA, USA

                                    (J.R. Keaton)                                                                                      



Oral Session 2 – Highly Disturbed, Urban, and Arid Lands - Spruce

(Moderator: Charles Privette)

9:45–10:00      11010  Application of updated approaches                   Hans Arnett                 USKH Inc.

                                    for the reclamation of placer-mined                                                    Anchorage, AK, USA

                                    lands in the Harrison Creek

                                    Watershed near Central, Alaska

                                    (H.R. Arnett, P.L. McMahon)

10:00–10:15    11011  Analysis of Escherichia coli within                 Calvin Sawyer              Clemson University

                                    sediment basins on active                                                                    Clemson, SC, USA

                                    construction sites (E.A. Tempel,

                                    C.V. Privette III, C.B. Sawyer,

                                    J.C. Hayes)

10:15–10:30    11012  Measurement of the parameters                       Neha Bhadbhade         Oklahoma State University

                                    affecting the formation                                                                        Stillwater, OK, USA

                                    and breakage of flocs

                                    (N.M. Bhadbhade, J.R. Vogel,

                                    D.E. Storm, B.J. Barfield,

                                    A. Mittlestet, H. Azawi,

                                    K.M. Garbrecht, A. Tobertge)

10:30–10:45    11013  Passive flocculent dosing                                 Karl Garbrecht             Oklahoma State University

                                    system for construction site                                                                 Stillwater, OK, USA


                                    (K.M. Garbrecht, J.R. Vogel,

                                    D.E. Storm, B.J. Barfield)

10:45–11:00    11014  Accuracy and precision of portable                   Kelli Resler                Clemson University

                                    turbidity meters                                                                                    Clemson, SC, USA

                                    (K.E. Resler, C.B. Sawyer,

                                    C.V. Privette III, J.C. Hayes)                                      

11:00–11:15    11015  A natural rainfall plot study to                           Mark Risse                 University of Georgia.

                                    determine the effectiveness of                                                             Athens, GA, USA

                                    composts and organic amendments

                                    in controlling runoff and erosion

                                    (L.M. Risse, X. Zhu)


11:30–11:45    11017  Tools for designing post-mining                         Hwat Bing So               Griffith University,

                                    landscapes with acceptable erosion                                                       Nathan, QLD, Australia

                                    risk and discharges on the receiving

                                    environment (H.B. So, A. Khalifa,

                                    C. Carroll, H. Ghadiri, B. Yu)

11:45–12:00    11109  Real- or near-real time monitoring                     Stacy Hutchinson         Kansas State University

                                    of military training land sustainability                                                    Manhattan, KS, USA

                                    using geospatial techniques and

                                    automated sensor deployments

                                    (S.L. Hutchinson, J.M.S. Hutchinson,

                                    P.B. Woodford, C. Otto)


Poster Session I (9:15 a.m.–5:00 p.m.) – Lupine

Aeolian Erosion and Fugitive Dust Emission

11100  Effect of canopy leaf distribution on sand                                Mark Casada              USDA-ARS EWERU

            transport and abrasion energy                                                                                      Manhattan, KS, USA

            (L.J. Hagen, M.E. Casada)                                                                                         

11101  Wind tunnel study on sand emission from the                           Ning Huang                 Lanzhou University

            surface of non-uniform sand                                                                                      Gansu Province, China     

            (N. Huang)

11103  Field wind tunnel testing of two silt loam soils on                      Scott Van Pelt             USDA–ARS WEWCRU

            the North American Central High Plains                                                                      Big Spring, TX, USA

            (R.S. Van Pelt, M.C. Baddock, T.M. Zobeck,                                                  

            V. Acosta-Martinez, A.J. Schlegel, M.F. Vigil)

Erosion Processes in Wetlands, Coastal, and Glacial Areas

11106  Coastal Plain landscape feature evolved                                  Loris Asmussen          Asmussen Engineering, LLC

            from historic erosion and deposition                                                                              Okeechobee, FL, USA

            (L.C. Asmussen, W.G. Knisel, L.E. Asmussen)                         

Highly Disturbed, Urban, and Arid Lands

11107  Predicting soil erosion potential from military                            Heidi Howard              U.S. Army ERDC CERL

            vehicle tracking and terrain impacts                                                                               Champaign, IL, USA

            (H.R. Howard, P. Ayers, D.J. Koch,                           

            A. Anderson, J. Kane, G. Bozdech, N. Svendsen)

Impacts of Global Change on Erosion Processes and Landscape Evolution

11113  Long-term monitoring of wind erosion induced                         John Tatarko              USDA-ARS EWERU

            changes to soil properties in western Kansas                                                               Manhattan, KS, USA

            (J. Tatarko)                                                                                                     

Prevention and Control of Upland and In-Stream Erosion

11114  Evaluation and improvement of Gabion walls for                     Yong Choi                   Kangwon National Univ.

            sediment reduction from sloping fields (Y.H. Choi,                                                       Chuncheon, Gangwon, Korea

            C.H. Won, W.J. Park, M.H. Shin, K.C. Bang, J.D. Choi)                                            

11117  Effect of surface cover materials and soil                               Woon-Ji Park             Kangwon National Univ.

            amendments on sediment discharge from upland fields                                                  Chuncheon, Gangwon, Korea

            (W.J. Park, H.J. Shin, Y.H. Choi, M.H. Shin,

            C.H. Won, J.R. Jang, J.D. Choi)                                             

11119  Evaluation and controlling of agricultural hillside                      Jαnos Tamαs              Univ. of Debrecen, Debrecen

            erosion based on integrated GIS methods                                                                      Hajdu-Bihar, Hungary

            (J.Tamαs, A. Nagy, T. Fσriαn)

11121  Soil moisture fluctuations as affected by                                 Chien-Han Wang         National Pingtung University

            straw-mat mulch                                                                                                          Neipu, Pingtung, Taiwan

            (C.-C. Wu, C.-H. Wang, Y.-T. Chan)   

Erosion Process Research

11122  Soil erosion and sediment deposition in granite,                        A. Orkhonselenge      Institute of Geography, MAS

            gneiss and sedimentary rock watersheds                                                                      Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

(A. Orkhonselenge)

11123  Soil erosion and sediment redistribution estimated                    A.  Orkhonselenge     Institute of Geography, MAS

            from soil geochemical activity                                                                                     Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

            (A. Orkhonselenge)

11124  The role of streambank erosion contributions to                      John Ramirez-Avila     Mississippi State University

            sediment loads in the Town Creek Watershed                                                             Mississippi State, MS, USA

            in Mississippi (J.J. Ramirez-Avila, W.H. McAnally,                                                    

            E.J. Langendoen, S.L. Ortega-Achury, J.L. Martin)

11125  Soil erosion and productivity losses in highly                           John Ramirez-Avila    Mississippi State University

            degraded soils of the eastern Savannas of Colombia                                                   Mississippi State, MS, USA

            (J.J. Ramirez-Avila, E.F. Almansa Manrique,

            S.L. Ortega-Achury)



12:00–1:30 p.m.          Symposium Luncheon – Chart Room


            Introduction by Prasanta Kalita


            Remarks by ASABE President – Sonia Maassel Jacobsen


            Introduction by Debu Misra


            Address by Dean Douglas J. Goering, University of Alaska – Fairbanks

                        “UAF College of Engineering and Mines Program Overview”


            Distinguished Speaker – Ms. Patience Andersen Faulkner



1:30–3:00 p.m.                        Concurrent Oral Sessions (3 and 4) and Poster Session I (continued)


Oral Session 3 – Aeolian Erosion and Fugitive Dust Emission – I - Aspen

(Moderator: Larry Stetler)

1:30–1:45  11019        Monitoring of dust emission in                          John Leys                  Gunnedah Research Centre

                                    eastern Australia: Why two methods                                                    Gunnedah, NSW, Australia

                                    are better than one (J. Leys,

                                    S. Heidenreich, T. O’Loingsigh,

                                    C. Strong, G. McTainsh)

1:45–2:00  11020        Comparisons of measurements and                 Kori Moore                 Energy Dynamics Laboratory

                                    predictions of PM concentrations and                                                  North Logan, UT, USA

                                    emission rates from a wind erosion event

                                    (K.D. Moore, M.D. Wojcik,

                                    C.C. Marchant, R.S. Martin,

                                    R.L. Pfeiffer, J.H. Prueger,

                                    J.L. Hatfield)

2:00–2:15  11021        Wind erosion of soils burned by                      Natalie Wagenbrenner   USDA Forest Service, RMRS

                                    wildfire (N.S. Wagenbrenner,                                                              Moscow, ID, USA

                                    M.J. Germino ,B.K. Lamb,

                                    R.B. Foltz, P.R. Robichaud)

2:15–2:30  11022        Tracking sources of fugitive dust at                 Thomas Gill                 University of Texas at El Paso

                                    Nipomo Mesa, California (T.A. Cahill,                                                El Paso, TX, USA

                                    D.E. Barnes, R. Velarde, T.E. Gill)

2:30–2:45  11023        Spatial application of WEPS for                      Jincheng Gao               Kansas State University

                                    estimating wind erosion in the                                                             Manhattan, KS, USA

                                    Pacific Northwest (J. Gao, L.E. Wagner,        

                                    F.A. Fox, S.H. Chung, B.K. Lamb)      

2:45–3:00  11024        Soil property effects on wind                          Ted Zobeck                 USDA-ARS WEWCRU

                                    erosion of organic soils                                                                        Lubbock, TX, USA

                                    (T.M. Zobeck, M.C. Baddock,

                                    R.S. Van Pelt, J. Tatarko, V.A. Martinez)        


Oral Session 4 – Erosion Measurement and Assessment – I - Spruce

(Moderator: Heidi Howard)

1:30–1:45  11025        An assessment of the impact of                       Sudhanshu Panda        Gainesville State College

                                    retention ponds for sediment trapping                                                 Oakwood, GA, USA

                                    in the Ada Creek and Longwood

                                    Coves using remotely sensed data

                                    and GIS analysis (R.J. Skarda,

                                    S.S. Panda, J.B. Sharma)

1:45–2:00  11026        Erosion rates from Badlands                            Larry Stetler                 South Dakota School of

                                    National Park                                                                                       Mines & Technology

                                    (L.D. Stetler, R. Benton, M. Weiler)                                                     Rapid City, SD, USA

2:00–2:15  11027        Identifying sources of suspended                      Anita Thompson           University of Wisconsin

                                    sediment using radionuclides in an                                                         Madison, WI, USA

                                    agricultural watershed in South

                                    Central Wisconsin

                                    (J. Lamba, A.M. Thompson,

                                    J.C. Panuska, K.G. Karthikeyan)        

2:15–2:30  11028        Measuring erosion rates at plot                        Joseph Wagenbrenner   USDA Forest Service, RMRS

                                    scales using photogrammetry                                                               Moscow, ID, USA

                                    (J.W. Wagenbrenner,

                                    P.R. Robichaud, R.B. Foltz)    

2:30–2:45  11029        Tools for ephemeral gully                                Kossi Nouwakpo            Purdue University

                                    erosion research                                                                                   West Lafayette, IN, USA

                                    (S.K. Nouwakpo, C. Huang)                           



3:00–3:30 p.m.                        Coffee Break – Alaska Ballroom



3:30–5:00 p.m.                        Concurrent Oral Sessions (5 and 6) and Poster Session I (continued)


Oral Session 5 – Aeolian Erosion and Fugitive Dust Emission – II - Aspen

(Moderator: Scott Van Pelt)

3:30–3:45  11031        75 years of wind erosion control:                      Michael Sporcic            USDA–NRCS

                                    The history of wind erosion prediction                                                   Fort Worth, TX, USA

                                    (M.A. Sporcic, E.L. Skidmore)                                                                        

3:45–4:00  11032        Overview of the management                          Larry Wagner               USDA–ARS, EWERU

                                    submodel in the Wind Erosion                                                               Manhattan, KS, USA

                                    Prediction System (L.E. Wagner)

4:00–4:15  11033        WEPS NRCS implementation issues:               Larry Wagner               USDA-ARS EWERU

                                    Resolved (L.E. Wagner)                                                                       Manhattan, KS, USA

4:15–4:30  11034        Applications of WEPS and SWEEP                 John Tatarko                USDA-ARS EWERU

                                    to non-agricultural lands (J. Tatarko,                                                   Manhattan, KS, USA

                                    D.G. Walker, S.J. van Donk)

4:30–4:45  11035        Incorporating the Wind Erosion                         Brian Lamb                  Washington State University

                                    Prediction System (WEPS) for dust                                                      Pullman, WA, USA

                                    into a regional air quality modeling

                                    system  (S.H. Chung, B.K. Lamb,

                                    J. Gao, L.E. Wagner, J.K. Vaughan)

4:45–5:00  11036        Environmental impacts from wind                      Larry Stetler              South Dakota School of

                                    erosion of abandoned mine lands                                                          Mines & Technology

                                    (L.D. Stetler, J.J. Stone)                                                                    Rapid City, SD, USA


Oral Session 6 – Erosion Measurement and Assessment – II - Spruce

(Moderator: Niels Svendsen)

3:30–3:45  11137        Multivariate models for annual                        Darrell Norton               USDA-ARS NSERL

                                    rainfall erosivity in Brazil                                                                    West Lafayette, IN, USA

                                    (C.R. Mello, M.R. Viola,

                                    S. Beskow, L.D. Norton)

3:45-4:00   11139        Development of a GIS interface                      Jim Frankenberger       USDA-ARS NSERL

                                    for WEPP model application to                                                            West Lafayette, IN, USA

                                    Great Lakes forested watersheds

                                    (J.R. Frankenberger, S. Dun,

                                    D.C. Flanagan, J.Q. Wu, W.J. Elliot)

4:00–4:15  11039        Probabilistic soil erosion modeling                    Peter Robichaud          USDA Forest Service, RMRS

                                    using the Erosion Risk Management                                                    Moscow, ID, USA

                                    Tool (ERMiT) after wildfires                                                  

                                    (P.R. Robichaud, W.J. Elliot,

                                    J.W. Wagenbrenner)

4:15–4:30  11040        Application of the Water Erosion                    Anurag Srivastava        Washington State University

                                    Prediction Project (WEPP) model                                                         Pullman, WA, USA

                                    to simulate streamflow in a PNW

                                    forest watershed (A. Srivastava,

                                    M. Dobre, E. Bruner, W.J. Elliot,

                                    I.S. Miller, J.Q. Wu)

4:30–4:45  11041        Assessment of cumulative training                  Andrew Fulton            U.S. Army ERDC CERL

                                    Impacts for sustainable military land                                                   Champaign, IL, USA

                                    carrying capacity and environment:

                                    prediction of environment quality

                                     (H.R. Howard, G. Wang, S. Singer,

                                    A.B. Anderson)


5:00 p.m.                     Oral and Poster Sessions Adjourn



5:30 – 7:00 p.m.          Student Poster Competition – Lupine  (Moderator: Thomas Oommen)


                                    The role of streambank erosion contributions    John Ramirez-Avila   Mississippi State University

                                    to sediment loads in Town Creek Watershed                                       Mississippi State, Mississippi, USA

                                    in Mississippi


                                    Modeling fate and transport of                        Rabin Bhattarai            University of Illinois

                                    Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in                                                       Urbana, IL, USA

                                    overland flow


                                    Comparisons of measurements and                   Kori Moore                Utah State University

                                    predictions of PM concentrations and                                                    Logan, Utah, USA

                                    emission rates from a wind erosion event





Tuesday, September 20, 2011


8:30–9:15 a.m.              Plenary session – Keynote speaker – Dr. John Wainwright              University of Sheffield

                                    “Small steps and giant leaps? Thoughts for                                        Sheffield, United Kingdom

                                    the future based on a decade of progress in understanding

                                    and modelling hydrologic and erosion processes.”- Aspen/Spruce


                                    Transport of RFID’s movie from Wainwright presentation.


9:15–9:45 a.m.             Coffee Break – Alaska Ballroom



9:45–11:30 a.m.          Concurrent Oral Sessions (7 and 8)



Oral Session 7 – Water Erosion Process Research – II - Aspen

(Moderator: Joe Wagenbrenner)

9:45–10:00      11043  The development and evaluation of                Jeffrey Ullman              University of Florida

                                    a portable rainfall simulator capable                                                    Gainesville, FL, USA

                                    of mimicking variable rainfall patterns                                   

                                    (J.L. Ullman, B.W. Bodah)

10:00–10:15    11044  Characterization of soil            .                     Jan Vermang                 Ghent University

                                    microtopography effects on runoff                                                       Ghent, Belgium

                                    and soil erosion rates under                                        

                                    simulated rainfall (J. Vermang,

                                    L.D. Norton, C. Huang, D. Gabriels)

10:15–10:30    11045  Sediment transport in shallow                          Mathias Rφmkens        USDA-ARS NSL

                                    overland flow (M.R. Suryadevara,                                                      Oxford, MS, USA

                                    M.J.M. Rφmkens, S.N. Prasad)           


10:45–11:00    11047  Rainfall intensity effects on                             Clint Truman              USDA-ARS SEWRL

                                    runoff and sediment losses from                                                         Tifton, GA, USA

                                    a Colorado Alfisol (C.C. Truman,                                           

                                    J.C. Ascough II, J.G. Davis)   

11:00–11:15    11048  Internal erosion during soil                              Glenn Wilson               USDA-ARS NSL

                                    pipe flow: Role in gully erosion                                                           Oxford, MS, USA

                                    and hillslope instability (G.V. Wilson,                                     

                                    J.L. Nieber, R.C. Sidle)           

11:15–11:30    11049  Experiments in ephemeral gully                        Robert Wells               USDA-ARS NSL

                                    widening (R.R. Wells,                                                                           Oxford, MS, USA

                                    H.G. Momm, S.J. Bennett,

                                    R.L. Bingner, S.M. Dabney)



Oral Session 8 – Prevention and Control of Upland and In-Stream Erosion – I - Spruce

(Moderator: Natalie Wagenbrenner)

9:45–10:00      11051  Quantifying fluvial erosion over                      Theresa Wynn             Virginia Tech University

                                    short time scales                                                                                  Blacksburg, VA, USA

                                    (T.M. Wynn, B.C. Utley)          

10:00–10:15    11053  Impacts of chemical fallow                             Brian Bodah                Washington State University

                                    practices in conservation tillage                                                           Pullman, WA, USA

                                    management systems on runoff and   

                                    erosion in the Pacific Northwest

                                    (B.W. Bodah, J.L. Ullman,

                                    D.K. McCool)

10:15–10:30    11054  Trap efficiency for road storm                        William Elliot               USDA Forest Service, RMRS

                                    runoff detention in southern                                                                Moscow, ID, USA

                                    Appalachian watersheds

                                    (J.M. Grace III)

10:30–10:45    11055  The role of biomass in erosional                      Heidi Howard              U.S. Army ERDC CERL

                                    and soil strength influences under                                                       Champaign, IL, USA

                                    military land management

(H.R. Howard, N.G. Svendsen,

T.J. Cary, D.J. Koch, G.X. Gertner,

S.A. Shoop, P.B. Woodford, R.M. Lacey,

A.B. Anderson, A. Fulton)

10:45–11:00    11056  Effect of grazing management and                  Philip Moore                USDA-ARS

                                    buffer strips on erosion from pastures                                                 Fayetteville, AR, USA

                                    (P.A. Moore, Jr., D.H. Pote, D.K. Brauer,                                                      

                                    J.H. Pennington, R.L. Raper)

11:00–11:15    11057  Assessment of various erosion and                  Joseph Monical            University of Illinois

                                    sediment control practices within an                                                    Urbana, IL, USA

                                    experimental facility

                                    (J.W. Monical, R. Bhattarai, P.K. Kalita,

                                    H.R. Howard, N.G. Svendsen)

11:15–11:30    11058  Plastic covered cropping systems:                    Sebastian Arnhold       University of Bayreuth

                                    Runoff patterns and soil erosion rates                                                 Bayreuth, Bavaria, Germany

                                    (S. Arnhold, C.L. Shope, B. Huwe)



12:00–6:30 p.m.          Technical Field Trip – Bus tour of Turnagain Arm and Portage

                                    Glacier erosion sites in the Anchorage area (includes box lunch)

                                    Meet in the Hilton Lobby


            Photos from Field Trip:

                        Bus photos (on and out):

 Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4, Pic 5, Pic 6, Pic 7, Pic 8, Pic 9, Pic 10


Stop 1 – Earthquake Park, Anchorage – Tour Leader: Susan Karl, USGS

 Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4, Pic 5, Pic 6, Pic 7, Pic 8, Pic 9, Pic 10, Pic 11, Pic 12, Pic 13, Pic 14, Pic 15, Pic 16


                        Stop 2 – Beluga Point, Turnagain Arm – Tour Leader: Tom Ravens, Univ. of Alaska - Anchorage

 Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4, Pic 5, Pic 6, Pic 7, Pic 8, Pic 9, Pic 10, Pic 11, Pic 12


                        Stop 3 – Bird Point, Turnagain Arm – Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4, Pic 5


                        Stop 4 – USDA-FS Visitor Center at Portage Lake – Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4, Pic 5, Pic 6, Pic 7, Pic 8, Pic 9


                                    What the glaciers look like when it is not cloudy and raining:  Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4


                        Stop 5 – Potter Marsh, south Anchorage – Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4, Pic 5, Pic 6, Pic 7, Pic 8, Pic 9




Wednesday, September 21, 2011


8:30–9:15 a.m.              Plenary session – Keynote speaker – Dr. Des Walling                      University of Exeter

                                    “Research on Erosion and Landscape Evolution:                                 Exeter, United Kingdom

                                    Current Status and Future Prospects”  - Aspen/Spruce


9:15–9:45 a.m.              Coffee Break – Alaska Ballroom



9:45–12:00 noon         Concurrent Oral Sessions (9 and 10) and Poster Session II



Oral Session 9 – Soil Erosion Modeling – I - Aspen

(Moderator: Bruce Wilson)

9:45–10:00      11059  Development and validation of a                       Bofu Yu                      Griffith University

                                    multi-size erosion-deposition                                                                Nathan, QLD, Australia

                                    model - GUSED                                  

                                    (B.Yu, H. Mahardhika, T. Ellis,

                                    P. Hairsine, H. Ghadiri, C. Rose)

10:00–10:15    11060  Modeling the reduction in soil loss                    Thomas Cochrane         University of Canterbury

                                    due to soil armouring caused                                                                 Christchurch, New Zealand

                                    by rainfall erosion (T.A. Cochrane,

                                    D.C. Yoder, D.C. Flanagan,

                                    S.M. Dabney, P.A.Weber)

10:15–10:30    11061  A saturation excess erosion model                   Tammo Steenhuis          Cornell University

                                    (S.A. Tilahun, R. Mukundan,                                                               Ithaca, NY, USA

                                    B.A. Demisse, C. Guzman,

                                    B.C. Tarakegn, T.A. Engda,

                                    Z.M. Easton, A.S. Collick,

                                    A.D. Zegeye, E.M. Schneiderman,

                                    J.-Y. Parlange, T.S. Steenhuis)

10:30 – 10:45  11062 Scale and land use effects on simple                 Tingwu Lei                  Inst. of Soil & Water Consv.

                                    relationships between flow velocity                                                       Yangling, Shaanxi, China

                                    and discharge rate from watersheds                                        

                                    on the Loess Plateau, China

                                                (S. Zhou, T. Lei, D.N. Warrington)

10:45–11:00    11063  Feasibility of irregular-slope                            Chia-Chun Wu             National Pingtung University

                                    equation on soil loss prediction                                                             Neipu, Pingtung, Taiwan

                                    for grass strips            

                                    (C.-C. Wu, T.-W. Wang)          

11:00–11:15    11064  Development of a combined wind                    Jim Ascough               USDA-ARS ASRU

                                    and water erosion model (WWEM)                                                      Fort Collins, CO, USA

                                    for the Object Modeling System

                                    (J.C. Ascough II, D.C. Flanagan,

                                    C.C. Truman, O. David)

11:15–11:30    11065  Integrating WEPP and a pathogen                    Rabin Bhattarai            University of Illinois

                                    transport model to simulate fate and                                                    Urbana, IL, USA

                                    transport of Cryptosporidium and

                                    Rotavirus in surface flow (R. Bhattarai,

                                    P.K. Kalita, P.C. Davidson)    

11:30–11:45    11066  Seasonal change of WEPP erodibility                 Donald McCool        USDA-ARS PWA

                                    parameters on a fallow plot                                                                 Pullman, WA, USA

                                    (D.K. McCool, S. Dun, J.Q. Wu,

                                    W.J. Elliot)

11:45–12:00    11140  Watershed analysis of runoff and                      Yongping Yuan         USEPA/ORD/ESD

                                    erosion potential on Santa Cruz                                                            Las Vegas, NV, USA

                                    Watershed (Arizona, USA and                                                            

                                    Sonora, Mexico): Impact of climate

                                    and land cover changes (Y. Yuan, W. Nie)



Oral Session 10 – Prevention and Control of Upland and In-Stream Erosion – II - Spruce

(Moderator: Jeff Ullman)

9:45–10:00      11110  Pervious pavers:                                              Darrell Norton             USDA-ARS NSERL

                                    Where is the perviousness?                                                                  West Lafayette, IN, USA

                                    (E.A. Pappas, C. Huang)

10:00–10:15    11069  Environmental evaluation of flue                       Darrell Norton             USDA-ARS NSERL

                                    gas desulfurization gypsum as a                                                            West Lafayette, IN, USA

                                    BMP for erosion control

                                    (L.D. Norton)                                                              

10:15–10:30    11070  Predictive capability to assess                          Philip Woodford            Dept. of the Army, Ft. Riley

                                    military training impacts on military                                                       Fort Riley, KS, USA

                                    installation streams utilizing remote


                                    (P.B. Woodford, T.R. Livingston,

                                    G.A. Malinga, H.R. Howard)  

10:30–10:45    11071  Getting results: Measuring post-                       Peter Robichaud          USDA Forest Service, RMRS

                                    wildfire erosion control treatment                                                        Moscow, ID, USA

                                    effectiveness (P.R. Robichaud,

                                    R.E. Brown, P.M. Wohlgemuth,

                                    J.W. Wagenbrenner)

10:45–11:00    11072  Screening study of select cotton-                     Greg Holt                     USDA-ARS CPPRU

                                    based hydromulch blends produced                                                      Lubbock, TX, USA

                                    using the cross-linked biofiber process                                                                       

                                    (B.N. Scholl, G.A. Holt, C.I. Thornton)           

11:00–11:15    11073  Engineered log jams post project                     Barry Southerland           USDA-NRCS

                                    appraisal for streambank erosion and                                                     Portland, OR, USA

                                    salmonid habitat in Washington State

                                    (W.B. Southerland, F.R. Reckendorf,

                                    D.M. Renner)

11:15–11:30    11074  Assessing the impact of manure                      Tamie Veith                 USDA-ARS PSWMRU

                                    application method on runoff                                                                University Park, PA, USA

                                    phosphorus using controlled and

                                    natural rainfall

                                    (T.L. Veith, P.J.A. Kleinman,

                                    F. Shigaki, L.S. Saporito, D.B. Beegle)

11:30–11:45    11075  Infiltration process in gravelly-soil                    Yu-Ting Chan               National Pingtung University

                                    slopes as affected by storm patterns                                                      Neipu, Pingtung, Taiwan

                                    (C.-C. Wu, Y.-T. Chan, C.-H. Wang)



Poster Session II (9:15 a.m.–4:15 p.m.) – Birch/Willow

Erosion Process Research

11126  Evaluation of bulk density and vegetation as                             Amare Retta               Kansas State University

            affected by military vehicle traffic                                                                                 Manhattan, KS, USA

            (A. Retta, L.E. Wagner, J. Tatarko)                                                                                                     

11127  Evaluation of rice straw mat surface cover materials               Chul Hee Won             Kangwon National Univ.

            under a laboratory rainfall simulation condition                                                                Chuncheon, Gangwon, Korea

            (C.H. Won, M.H. Shin, Y.H. Choi,

            W.J. Park, J.D. Choi)                                                  

11128  Maturity process of rills                                                         Ching-Lun Kao              National Pingtung University

            (C.-C. Wu, C.-L. Kao, K.-S. Wu, P.-L. Chen,                                                               Neipu, Pingtung, Taiwan

            H.-J. Lin, C.-W. Lin)

11129  Erosion plot monitoring: Impact of different tillage                    Andreas Klik                BOKU - University of Natural

            systems on average annual soil erosion and the                                                               Resources & Life Sciences

            significance of extreme rainfall events                                                                            Vienna, Austria

            (S. Strohmeier, A. Klik)

11130  Stream bank erosion contributions to sediment                          Debasmita Misra          Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks

            loads in Jordan Creek, Alaska:                                                                                        Fairbanks, AK, USA

            DWSM-BE based assessment

            (D. Sahoo, D. Misra, D.K. Borah, B.N. Tabor)

11132  Nenana River stabilization                                                       Tonya Bear                  Sherman Engineering

            (M.B. Sherman, T.L. Bear, D. Carlson)                                                                         Fairbanks, AK, USA

11133  Characterization of microbes carried in dust                              Terrance Gardner         USDA-ARS CSRL

            (T. Gardner, V. Acosta-Martinez, T.M. Zobeck,                                                             Big Spring, TX, USA

            M.C. Baddock, R.S. Van Pelt, Z. Senwo)

11134  Shear stress partitioning of overland flow on                             Osama Al-Hamdan      University of Idaho

            disturbed and undisturbed rangelands                                                                              Boise, ID, USA

            (O.Z. Al-Hamdan, F.B. Pierson, M.A. Nearing,                                              

            J.J. Stone, C.J. Williams, P.R. Kormos,

            J. Boll, M.A. Weltz)

Soil Erosion Modeling

11138  Application of MUSLE to Todoroki River                                 Kazuhito Sakai             University of the Ryukyus

            Watershed in Okinawa, Japan                                                                                        Nishihara, Okinawa, Japan

            (K. Sakai, T. Nakandakari)                                                                                                                 

11142  Integrating WEPP into the WEPS infrastructure                       Larry Wagner               USDA-ARS EWERU

            (F.A. Fox, J.R. Frankenberger, D.C. Flanagan,                                                          Manhattan, KS, USA

            L.E Wagner)   

11143  Development of VFDM: A riparian vegetated filter                   Alain Rousseau            Natural Inst. of Scientific Res.

            dimensioning model                                                                                                       Quebec, Quebec, Canada

            (S.J. Gumiere, A.N. Rousseau)

11144  USDA integrated approaches and resources for                       Linda Scheffe              USDA-NRCS NSSC

            erosion prediction and control in sustainable                                                                     Lincoln, NE, USA

            farming systems (L.O. Scheffe, D.T. Lightle)

11145 Application of the Soil and Water Assessment                           Darrell Norton             USDA-ARS NSERL

            Tool (SWAT) for sediment transport simulation                                                               West Lafayette, IN, USA

            at a headwater watershed in Minas Gerais State, Brazil

            (D.B.F. Pinto, A.M. da Silva, C.R. de Mello,

            S. Beskow, G. Coelho)

11146 Development of a WEPP-Water Quality (WEPP-WQ)               Reza Savabi               USDA-ARS-SEWRU

            model (M.R. Savabi, D.C. Flanagan,                                                                            Tifton, GA, USA

J.R. Frankenberger, R.K. Hubbard,

D.D. Bosch, T.L. Potter)



12:00–1:30 p.m.          Lunch break


1:30–3:00 p.m.                        Concurrent Oral Sessions (11 and 12) and Poster Session II (continued)


Oral Session 11 – Impacts of Global Change on Erosion and Landscape Evolution – I - Lupine

(Moderator: Anita Thompson)

1:30–1:45  11077        Building process-based                                    Erin Brooks                 University of Idaho

                                    understanding for improved                                                                   Moscow, ID, USA

                                    adaptation and management

                                    (E.S. Brooks, J. Boll)                                                  

1:45–2:00  11078        Modelling the impacts of climate                      Donal Mullan                Queen’s University

                                    change on future rates of soil                                                                 Belfast, United Kingdom

                                    erosion: Addressing key limitations

                                    (D.J. Mullan, D.T. Favis-Mortlock,

                                    R. Fealy)

2:00–2:15  11079        Impact of global changes on soil                       Olivier Cerdan              Bureau of Geological

                                    vulnerability in the Mediterranean basin                                                  and Mining Research

                                    (O. Cerdan, J.-F. Desprats, J. Fouchι,                                               Orlιans, Loiret, France

                                    Y. Le Bissonnais, B. Cheviron,

                                    V. Simonneaux, D. Raclot,

                                    F. Mouillot)

2:15–2:30  11080        Precipitation parameters of stochastic              Bruce Wilson               University of Minnesota

                                    climate models for a changing climate                                                   St. Paul, MN, USA

                                    (B.N. Wilson, A.Y. Sheshukov)                                                                        

2:30–2:45  11081        Rainfall erosivity in Austria                             Andreas Klik                 BOKU - University of Natural

                                    (A. Klik, F. Konecny)                                                                           Resources & Life Sciences

                                                                                                                                                 Vienna, Austria

2:45–3:00  11082        Contribution of historical extreme                     Kuan-Sheng Wu           National Pingtung University

                                    typhoon events to sediment yield from                                                   Neipu, Pingtung, Taiwan

                                    Lin-Pien watershed

                                    (C.-C. Wu, K.-S. Wu, C.-L. Kao)



Oral Session 12 – Soil Erosion Modeling – II - Fireweed

(Moderator: Robert Wells)

1:30–1:45  11083        CLIGEN: Addressing deficiencies                    Bill Rust                      Kansas State University

                                    in the generator and its databases                                                         Manhattan, KS, USA

                                    (W.J. Rust, F. Fox, L.E. Wagner)                                                                    

1:45–2:00  11084        Geospatial application of the                             Dennis Flanagan          USDA-ARS NSERL

                                    Water Erosion Prediction Project                                                           West Lafayette, IN, USA

                                    (WEPP) model (D.C. Flanagan,

                                    J.R. Frankenberger, T.A. Cochrane,                                       

                                    C.S. Renschler, W.J. Elliot)

2:00–2:15  11085        Applying online WEPP to assess                      Shuhui Dun                 Washington State University

                                    forest watershed hydrology (S. Dun,                                                     Puyallup, WA, USA

                                    J.Q. Wu, W.J. Elliot, J.R. Frankenberger,

                                    D.C. Flanagan, D.K. McCool)

2:15–2:30  11086        Applying WEPP technologies to                        Joan Wu                    Washington State University

                                    western alkaline surface coal mines                                                       Puyallup, WA, USA

                                    (J.Q. Wu, S. Dun, H. Rhee, X. Liu,

                                    W.J. Elliot, T. Golnar,

                                    J.R. Frankenberger, D.C. Flanagan,

                                    P.W. Conrad, R.L. McNearny)

2:30–2:45  11087        Comparison of WEPP and SWAT                    Jan Boll                       University of Idaho

                                    for watershed hydrology and erosion                                                      Moscow, ID, USA

                                    prediction (J. Boll, E.S. Brooks,

                                    Z.M. Easton, T.S. Steenhuis)                                       

2:45–3:00  11111        Simulation and modeling for the                        Niels Svendsen             U.S. Army ERDC CERL,

                                    optimal allocation of military lands                                                          Champaign, IL, USA

                                    (N.G. Svendsen, H.R. Howard,

                                    D.J. Koch, P.D. Ayers, A.P. Dain-Owens)



3:00–3:30 p.m.            Coffee Break – Alaska Ballroom



3:30–4:15 p.m.            Concurrent Oral Sessions (13 and 14) and Poster Session II (cont.)


Oral Session 13 – Impacts of Global Change on Erosion and Landscape Evolution – II - Lupine

(Moderator: John Wainwright)

3:30–3:45  11089        Linking gully erosion and                                Miguel Campo             Public Univ. of Navarre

                                    rainfall erosivity                                                                                  Pamplona, Navarre, Spain

                                    (M.A. Campo, J. Casalν, R. Gimιnez)                                                             

3:45–4:00  11091        Effects of topographic feedback                     Seth Dabney                USDA-ARS NSL

                                    on erosion and deposition prediction                                                       Oxford, MS, USA

                                    (S.M. Dabney, D.A.N. Vieira,

                                    D.C. Yoder)

4:00–4:15  11093        Ecological site descriptions including                Michael Sporcic           USDA–NRCS

                                    use of state and transition models in                                                       Fort Worth, TX, USA

                                    impacting evolution of plant

                                    communities on landscape and

                                    erosion evolution

                                    (M.J. Kucera, D.T. Lightle)


Oral Session 14 – Erosion Processes in Wetlands, Coastal, and Glacial Areas - Fireweed

(Moderator: Shuhui Dun)

3:30–3:45  11096        Geospatial technology application                    Sudhanshu Panda          Gainesville State College

                                    in landscape change monitoring of                                                         Oakwood, GA, USA

                                    southeastern United States coastal

                                    wetlands and impact from global

                                    warming and climate change

                                    (S.S. Panda, K. Burry)

3:45–4:00  11097        Measuring streambank erosion                        Clarence Prestwich      USDA-NRCS, WNTSC

                                    bank profiles to more robustly                                                               Portland, OR, USA

                                    estimate recession rates and calibration

                                    of the AnnAGNPS-CEAP model

                                    (C. Prestwich, W.B. Southerland)



4:30–5:30 p.m.             Plenary Session – Meeting Summary and Closing Ceremony - Chart Room


            Photos from Closing Session:

                        ISELE Chair - Debu Misra

Heather Clark – AEG and ISELE Meetings Manager: Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4

                        Program Committee Co-Chair – Don McCool

                        Keynote Speakers: 

Grant McTainsh:  Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3

                                    John Wainwright:  Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3

            Des Walling:  Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3

                        Organizing Committee:

                                    Co-Chairs Debu Misra and Prasanta Kalita: Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3

                                    Publicity, Finance, and Website Chairman - Dennis Flanagan:  Pic 1, Pic 2

                                    Program Committee Co-Chair Don McCool: Pic 1, Pic 2

                                    Program Committee Co-Chair Joan Wu

                                    Publication Committee Co-Chair Jim Ascough:  Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3

                                    Publication Committee Co-Chair John Nieber (not present in Anchorage)

                                    Webmaster:  Theresa Wynn

                                    Member - Thomas Oommen

                                    Member – Larry Stetler

                                    Member – Anita Thompson

                                    Member – Larry Wagner

                                    Member – John Wainwright

                                    Member – Norm Widman

                                    Member – Bruce Wilson

                                    Member – Bofu Yu

                                    Member – Thomas Ravens

                                    Member – Charles Privette

                                    Other members not able to be present in Anchorage:

                                                Philip Barnes, Johnny Grace, Mark Nearing, Jean Poesen,

                                                Coen Ritsema, Ramesh Rudra, Xiuying Wang, Fenli Zheng



            Student Poster Competition results (Thomas Oommen, organizer, presiding)

                                    Third place – Kori Moore, Utah State University

                                    Second place – Rabin Bhattarai, University of Illinois (his major professor Prasanta Kalita accepting on his behalf)

                                    First place – John Ramirez-Avila, Mississippi State University